Introduction to Criminology
1. Answer the questions. This means you should not go off on a "rant" or get off the point. However, you should answer the questions completely. Using an example to illustrate your point is often a good idea. If you use a quote, try to follow the quote with an explanation using your own words.
2. Assignments must be typed, and should be spell-checked. Use proper grammar. These things will count towards your score.
3. You must CITE anything that you take from other's work in the text of your answer. No reference page is necessary. If you fail to cite properly, you will be penalized in the assignment.
Please follow the following format. When you paraphrase someone's work, you need to cite with the author(s) and date:
There have been several good experiments evaluating Scared Straight! type programs (Petrosino, Turpin-Petrosino, and Finckenaur, 2000).
When you use a direct quote, the text must be in quotes,
and the cite must include the author(s), date, and page number:
"A program may certainly help one
child but hurt two in the process" (Petrosino, Turpin-Petrosino, and Finckenaur, 2000: 355).
NOTE: Changing one or two words of an author's work does not give you license to avoid citation. If you are in doubt of whether you should cite, or whether you should use quotes, error on the conservative side CITE .USE the QUOTES!!